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Homcho - MVP


Economic migration is the dominant form of migration, i.e. the movement of people from one territory to another in order to obtain greater economic opportunities. Usually, such migration occurs from less economically developed countries to more economically developed countries. There are 240 million external economic migrants per year. 


The process of relocation to another country is a huge headache for immigrants. 

  • Lack of information. It’s difficult to find full and trustworthy information about the process of migration and legal issues
  • Lack of trust. Difficult to find lawyers and legal consultants who can be trusted
  • Unclear pricing of services
  • Lack of local tips. Difficult to find accommodation, school for children and solve other routine issues 
  • Lack of communication and lots of stress due to the difficulties with the relocation


HOMCHO is an international immigration startup that aims to simplify and ease the process of moving abroad

Value proposition - Homcho helps you get everything done for your relocation to another country.

What we did

We created an online platform to help immigrants find immigration lawyers.

Minimum viable product

First, we did customer development and interviewed numbers of immigrant to understand their problems and come up with solutions.

Second, we partnered with immigration lawyers in Germany, Czech Republic and Spain, so that they could provide their services to immigrants.

Last, we used paid marketing to bring first users.We have validated that our platform is useful both for lawyers and immigrants and the concept if working.


home + by choice

We came up with a laconic name that is easy to pronounce and remember. It is associated with a possibility for everyone to choose their home in a dream country.

We chose to communicate in our creatives real value we can give to a person - we can do the hardest part in making your dream come true.


Homcho combines technology with human expert advice to prepare a high quality immigrant application.